Quality Policy |
International Marble Co. LLC is committed to ensure customer satisfaction by providing natural marble, meeting customer requirements at competitive price with best quality and adhering to delivery schedules and complying with statutory and regulatory requirements. The organization shall strive to be a market leader by continually improving the products and processes and promoting the philosophy of teamwork. |
International Marble Company LLC (IMC) engaged in Mining, Processing and Supply of Natural Marble is committed to:
- Ensure prevention of injury & ill health of our employees and other interested parties by providing a safe and healthy working environment.
- Protect the environment including Prevention of Pollution, conservation of energy and ensure responsible handling and disposal of generated waste.
- Abide by the Royal Decrees, Ministerial Decisions and other requirements to which IMC subscribes.
- Adopt practical approach to eliminate hazards of health, safety and environment in all areas of operation and reduce the health & safety risks to levels as low as reasonably practical.
- Ensure consultation with workers in HSE matters and encourage their participation in management system.
- Provide necessary HSE resources including competent personnel, training and equipment for the effective implementation & continual improvement of the HSE management system.
- Recycle wherever possible and use environmentally friendly materials.
- Provide appropriate training and educate employees to be safe, healthy and environmentally responsible.
- Empower employees to intervene in unsafe situations and raise any HSE concerns and or suggestions through HSE observation system.
- Establish Objectives & Targets and conduct periodic management review.
Code of Conduct |
The success of International Marble Co. LLC (IMC) depends on the integrity and professionalism that we demonstrate in our day to day dealings with others. As a business, IMC is committed to complying with the law and conducting all activities with the highest level of integrity and ethical standards.
This Code of Conduct has been adopted by our board of directors and contains the principles that guide our business conduct. The Code applies to all our business interests and activities worldwide and to everyone working at, or engaged by, IMC.
The Code of Conduct requires that an employee must:
- Act in the best interest of IMC while performing your job for the Company. A conflictof interest arises when your personal activities and relationships interfere, or appear to interfere, with your ability to act in the best interest of the Company.
- Protect the Company’s assets, and use those assets in the manner intended.
- Maintain the confidentiality of proprietary information entrusted to them by the Company or its customers or suppliers without authorization
- Not accept gifts or any other favour, from customers or suppliersif doing so might compromise, or appear to compromise, your ability to make objective business decisions in the best interest of IMC.
- Report if any approach has been made by any person / firm which compromises the integrity of the position concerned.
- Follow the applicable laws and regulatory orders of every jurisdiction in which the company operates.
- Value and treat business / channel partners of IMC with courtesy and efficiency.
- Not discriminate, harass or intimidate other employees as IMC is an equal opportunity employer.
- Uphold the ethical standards of IMC. If an employee observes behaviour that may represent a violation of IMC Code, raise the issue promptly.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy |
International Marble Co. LLC firmly believes in the principle of sustainability and recognises the fundamental rightsand responsibilities that our business has towards the sustainable existence of the communitieswithin which we operate.
International Marble Co. LLC is committed to approach our business aims responsibly and by responding to the different concerns and demands of our stakeholders while remaining profitable and competitive. This means conducting our activities according to rigorous, ethical, professional and legal standards.
We strive to integrate economic, environmental and social considerations into our strategic decision-making. We are open-minded in dialogue with those who are affected by our operations and communicate with our stakeholders in a timely and effective manner.
To achieve this, International Marble Co. LLC is committed to the following responsibilities:
- To respect the rights and traditions of the indigenous communities in which we operate in.
- To protect the environment, minimize wastage and pollution, and continuously improve the efficient use of energy and resources.
- To ensure compliance to government legislation in terms of CSR and move beyond this to make a meaningful contribution to the local communities in which we operate.
- To provide, maintain and improve a clean, healthy and safe working environment.
- To have a holistic approach to CSR, this is line with the Company’s code of business ethics and integrated in the Company’s core business.
- To uphold the values of honesty, partnership and fairness in our relationship with stakeholders.
- To use training as a tool to improve the lives of not only ouremployees but also the communities in which we operate.
- To be accountable for our actions and impacts, responding promptly to incidents or risk arising from our business.
- Shall provide safeguards to ensure that all employees are treated with respect and without any harassment.
This CSR Policy is based on a mutual respect that exists between International Marble Co. LLC and the local communities in which we operate.